
#5 Non-Occasional Gifting

#5 Non-Occasional Gifting

Have you ever stopped and sighed, wishing the door would randomly knock and find a little parcel waiting JUST FOR YOU? It’s quite cliché to receive a gift on your...

#5 Non-Occasional Gifting

Have you ever stopped and sighed, wishing the door would randomly knock and find a little parcel waiting JUST FOR YOU? It’s quite cliché to receive a gift on your...

Breastfeeding Week 2021

#4 A Tribute to Breastfeeding Week 2021

I have been blessed to exclusively breastfeed our 3 kids for 11 months, but this places me in a better position to know the downfalls of it. And I believe...

#4 A Tribute to Breastfeeding Week 2021

I have been blessed to exclusively breastfeed our 3 kids for 11 months, but this places me in a better position to know the downfalls of it. And I believe...

#3 For every job that must be done...there is an element of fun

#3 For every job that must be done...there is a...

Now I excitedly browse the Ikkuluriti website, choosing through the list of designs, stocking up our reusable nappy stacks and happily reduce the heaps of disposable nappy garbage day by day....

#3 For every job that must be done...there is a...

Now I excitedly browse the Ikkuluriti website, choosing through the list of designs, stocking up our reusable nappy stacks and happily reduce the heaps of disposable nappy garbage day by day....

#2 Why Nappy Cakes?

#2 Why Nappy Cakes?

Our ideas revolve around our passion for meaningful gifts. We look at special occasions not as a mundane event to get gifts going but as an appropriate moment to complement...

#2 Why Nappy Cakes?

Our ideas revolve around our passion for meaningful gifts. We look at special occasions not as a mundane event to get gifts going but as an appropriate moment to complement...

#1 Behind the Screens

#1 Behind the Screens

Stinking nappies, heaped unwashed dishes, and jigsaw puzzle pieces hitting my laptop mouse. That’s how I start off our first blog post and that’s how we started off this adventure...

#1 Behind the Screens

Stinking nappies, heaped unwashed dishes, and jigsaw puzzle pieces hitting my laptop mouse. That’s how I start off our first blog post and that’s how we started off this adventure...