#3 For every job that must be done...there is an element of fun
“In every job that must be done there is an element of fun. You find the fun and, SNAP! The job’s a game!” Going back to my childhood memories of watching Mary Poppins and humming the tune up to this day, I reckon these lyrics are a wonderful mantra to keep for life.
Entertaining three buzzing kids and keeping up with daily tasks is not always the best concoction to go for. Let alone adding new variables to such an equation, such as using cloth nappies. However, at nappy cakes, we go for tried and tested products. We went through the days of eagerly buying baby products only to find out they’re just gimmicks on the shelf. So now we have our little repertoire of what works, and that is what we offer our clients over our website. And cloth nappies are one of such things.
“Our experience was not a love-at-first sight encounter. Our journey was a growth experience of trying, testing, discarding and retesting.”
Our experience was not a love-at-first sight encounter. Our journey was a growth experience of trying, testing, discarding and retesting. Adding another washing load to the never ending queue, or risking to have a baby wake up out of a nappy leak, were always hard to accept. And for every squeal Mark did, cloth nappies were always first to blame. Until bit by bit Maria from Ikkuluriti guided us into the different brands and into testing a few nappies at a time, until we found the right brand to fit Mark. No more leaks :) And putting a load just before I shower, and hanging them right after, was really no big deal.
Now we excitedly browse the Ikkuluriti website, choosing through the list of designs, stocking up our reusable nappy stacks and happily reduce the heaps of disposable nappy garbage day by day. We also made sure to creatively build a range of cloth nappy cakes ready to be sent to those daring parents ready to kick off this journey. After all, in every job that must be done there is an element of fun. So go on, just find the fun, and snap! The job’s a game :)